
Showing posts from June, 2015

Vibrations, Resonance and Electricity

Are all vibrations good? They certainly have the potential to be.  A warning sense can be a very good thing, just as a warm and welcoming one is. Even earthquakes have their role to play in shaping things.  I love the idea that everything has a unique vibrational frequency. Weather we are aware of it or not, I think that we are often sensing subtle changes based on these vibrations... We're like human seismometers. Resonance is an important concept for me.  As I've mentioned before, I am most sensitive to audio cues. I was a musician as a young woman, and find the metaphors of harmony, frequency, vibration and resonance apply to my relationships with everything and everyone.  These words from music are the ones that I naturally choose to understand and describe interpersonal interactions especially.  It's very logical to me to think that a given system will be driven by the oscillations of another; that they naturally fall or ar forced into frequencies similar and complim

The Weakest Force

I went to a Christian college where there was a requirement that every student earn a minimum # of credits in religious studies.  I completed mine on a semester abroad, meeting with religious leaders in Malta, Greece, Italy, Israel and Tunisia.  That semester was about learning by exploring, engaging, interviewing and experiencing, and then writing about the region and culture of the places we visited.  These were the sites where Judaism, Christianity and Islam had their roots.  Our fearless leader was a scientist.  She kept our conversations going, but didn’t share her own opinion until the very end.  That day she declared: “God is Gravity.”   Minds. Blown. God. Force. Photons. Quarks. All. That. Is. The videos I watched this week refer to “the four fundamental forces in physics.”  From strongest to weakest, they are Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetic and Gravitational.  Together they are responsible for holding everything in our universe "in the soup"

Week Three - Synchronicity

What evidence can you find for synchronicity? I like to joke that the radio is divine.  I often find that the lyrics pouring out of the stereo confirm or deny a recent thought, or trigger a memory or remind me of something I’ve been meaning to do.  These are the audible coincidences that set the course of my day, and occasionally ignite a radical trajectory change.  I personally notice synchronicities like these all over the place.  When I do, I try to express some gratitude for the spark and move on.  The skeptic in me would be embarrassed to take such a thing too seriously.  After our discussion on Tuesday, I realized that this was going to be a fun week!  As an audiophile, I naturally turned to podcasts to look for evidence of synchronicity.  This week, two of my favorites came into play.  As episode of Invisibilia was mentioned in class.  Titled “Entanglement” and dated January 29, 2015, it examined some of the concept we discussed in our group.