Vibrations, Resonance and Electricity

Are all vibrations good? They certainly have the potential to be.  A warning sense can be a very good thing, just as a warm and welcoming one is. Even earthquakes have their role to play in shaping things. I love the idea that everything has a unique vibrational frequency. Weather we are aware of it or not, I think that we are often sensing subtle changes based on these vibrations... We're like human seismometers.

Resonance is an important concept for me.  As I've mentioned before, I am most sensitive to audio cues. I was a musician as a young woman, and find the metaphors of harmony, frequency, vibration and resonance apply to my relationships with everything and everyone.  These words from music are the ones that I naturally choose to understand and describe interpersonal interactions especially.  It's very logical to me to think that a given system will be driven by the oscillations of another; that they naturally fall or ar forced into frequencies similar and complimentary or dissonant as they may be.  Learning these as concepts in physics has been a bit like reading a koan. The concepts blow my mind, they're difficult to grasp as tangible physical reality, and at the same time they just feel right.  I listen to the radio every day, and I've watched many times as a tesla coil lights up and draws the crowd from all over an event.

When I think of energy I think about electricity. I remember a commercial from the 80s where the power grid lights up across the whole United States. This commercial is one of my first memories of feeling awe inspired. It made me want to run around he living room like a crazy muppet. I also think of calories, which I learned in grade school are quite literally the "power" for he body.  The same can be said about Qi - the motive force of all life.  So I'm not particularly bothered by the use of the word energy to relate to the concept of Qi.  The power grid and meridian system compare nicely.  It's rudimentary, and in my opinion, that's a good place to start.


Jtyson said…
Heather you make some good points in you blog about vibrations. I think that vibrations can be good or bad depending on the situation. I personally like good human vibrations and I think those are important.
I agree with vibrations relating to all relationships. I wish there were a visual way or even a more clear tangible way to "see" the way vibrations between individuals can change given context and interactions. Wouldn't that be neat?

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