
Showing posts from July, 2015

Water Memory?

I know a living system because it reacts, it changes and it grows.  In elementary school we learn that all living things also require water.      Last week we discussed research into states of consciousness, and the work of Matsuro Emoto was mentioned.  I was familiar with the work of Dr. Emoto, who discovered what they call structured water or energized water.  In this phenomena, crystals of water form differently based on the words used with it.  For example, a glass of water that is prayed to results in a beautiful and complex crystalline structure, while a glass of water that is cursed at results in unstructured dirty looking blobs instead of crystals.  Emoto’s work suggests that we can alter the state of vitality of water through the intention we apply to it with our words.  It also suggests that water has memory, which is also described as storing consciousness.     Another scientist who is looking at water and consciousness is Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a biophysicist bas

E-Prime Day

A dream came true on Saturday. I slept in.   At 11am a text message woke me.  "Dragonwell Jam at the Jack of All Trades Fair. Come fly with us!"  It was an invitation from Madamn Burnz sent to the FlyHive Aerial Crew... and I actually had the afternoon free!  Even better - my best friend agreed to come with me. We arrived in Jack London Square at 12:30pm, super hungry.  As we approached one of the food trucks a friendly couple spoke up. "Look at all this food! Ask for the chefs special."  We jumped at the chance.  The halal schwarma truck proprietor greeted us with enthusiasm and two little salads - street side amuse-bouche! We asked for the chefs special, with meat and mildly spiced. Then the chef left the truck to show us to a table. I couldn't believe our luck: dine-in restaurant service on the street.  After a short wait he started bringing food to the table: pasta salad and roasted peppers, lamb gyros and BBQ chicken wings, and a fala