Water Memory?

I know a living system because it reacts, it changes and it grows.  In elementary school we learn that all living things also require water.     

Last week we discussed research into states of consciousness, and the work of Matsuro Emoto was mentioned.  I was familiar with the work of Dr. Emoto, who discovered what they call structured water or energized water.  In this phenomena, crystals of water form differently based on the words used with it.  For example, a glass of water that is prayed to results in a beautiful and complex crystalline structure, while a glass of water that is cursed at results in unstructured dirty looking blobs instead of crystals.  Emoto’s work suggests that we can alter the state of vitality of water through the intention we apply to it with our words.  It also suggests that water has memory, which is also described as storing consciousness.    

Another scientist who is looking at water and consciousness is Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a biophysicist based in Russia.  In an interview with Lilou Mace, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov defines water as life, and notes that because humans are 90% water, the study of it emerged naturally as his focus.  The article that we read discussed the study of consciousness in different states: waking, sleeping, comatose and partially responsive.  Dr. Korotov is also looking at consciousness in these different states, working to measure consciousness via his patented Eletrophotonic imaging techniques.  Dr. Korotkov is working to prove that human consciousness is a creative force in the universe.  

Biophysics, water and consciousness are also discussed in several papers that set out to investigate how homeopathic remedies work.  In homeopathy, ultra-low dilution of a substance is used.   Research into quantum electrodynamics is being explored to explain the properties of water that might allow for the healing effects observed.  Their research also suggests that chemical information is stored in water. 

Although I am skeptical of Dr. Emoto’s and Dr. Kortkov’s work and homeopathy in general, I do find investigations into water and consciousness very exciting.  Every living thing interacts with water, and many of us are in large part composed of it.  When I consider the ideas of quantum entanglement, non-locality and resonance I am convinced that study of water could reveal the dynamics of consciousness and perhaps even explain how and why we have the effect that we do on each other.  Could it be as simple as affecting each other’s h2o?    


Your post is so interesting -- correlating biophysics, water and consciousness to homeopathic remedies and possibly even the impact we have on each other. Thank you for bringing these ideas together -- it makes me want to investigate more!
Jtyson said…
Dr. Emoto's work is very interesting. I like the words are alive experiment that he conducted. Where he wrote certain words on cups filled with water and later examined the crystal structure it formed.

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