Mill's meditation machine - elements and green chemistry. (June 8)

My landlord is a unique fellow. He occupies the apartment below mine by day.  It's called the relaxation center, and it is a world to discover!  Modern amenities include a flotation tank and a far infrared sauna. He also offers a full body sound therapy experience via an early version of the "vibroacoustic liquid sound table", a waterbed the size of a massage table outfitted with speakers that send sound waves throughout. By far my favorite tool is what he calls the meditation machine - a contraption of inert gas...

I missed class on Tuesday, so have been looking into Green Chemistry a bit more willy nilly.  An experience is presented in the Yale overview of Green Chemistry called "The Earth in 10 seconds"  Watch it!  It makes the destruction of the earth very visceral.
119 tons of hazardous and tax waste
2 poel dies from drinking bad water
almost 4k tons of fuel consumed... in 10 secionds~!
3 children dies of rpeventable disease
4 acres of rainforest destroyed

I had a conversation last week about monsanto. Oh the vil giant... and yet the same company that is engineering wheat to grow in Africa.  We need that right?

The "Its not my job" concept is presented from the perspective of different professionals.  A chef, an architect, a card designer, a chemist... in all roles it would be easy to say: sure i make _____, but the  (materials, ingredients, outcome) is not my job - I'm just making the best, most economical, most profitable...  Someone else is working in sustainability.  Like its just a little thing.

12 principals of Green Chemistry

I asked my brother what they're doing in his job.  He works as a chemist in a lab at a major beet processing company. He said he can't talk about it.  :/


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