Alchemy: Science, Art or... musings from June 18th

In clinic orientation this weekend I counted almost as many people drawn to ACCHS by plants and herbs as injuries or healthcare experiences.  I was sitting in the back of the room thinking about Alchemy.

An image search on the word Alchemy brings up as many pictures of wizards and sages as tables and charts.  Magic? Science? Art?  In my brain a mix of hollywood and historic images leave the impression that alchemy lies somewhere between magic and science, and between art and industry.  Tables and charts and robes oh my! Role playing games anyone? Are we mixing potions or combining metals? yay both!! I love herbalism and metalwork.   It's furtive ground for the imagination.

Our profession offers a unique opportunity to cultivate skills in physical manipulations and Chinese herbalism. Weather drawn by plants and herbs or needles and massage, every "how I got here" story I heard commented on the awesome moment when each discovered this profession offers both! Rooted in tradition with respect for modern medicine. We become the alchemists...

Another students blog pointed out the historical perception of alchemists as Charlatans, and on another, the idea of intention is presented.

... a conjurer vs a magician... no wierd hand motions, no tricks.  quckery, charlatans...

Intention - to decieve you! to trick you!  or to heal you... to stimulate your unfolding and get out of your way. The subtle arts, plants and needles that work gently, no obviously or aggressively...

Psychics, astrologers, massage machines, reiki, qi through the internet... what is it?  the fortune tellers... the people who claim to be talking to the dead. A $$ industry... impossible to prove.

Acupuncture too suffers from perception probelms, being difficult to prove via fDA and double blind trials...

Charlatans take advantage of the people they enounter.. The James Randi Foundation looking out for families who fall for psychics, ... the responsibility of practitioners being in practice. Responsibility to explain what we do and provide services and medications that are safe... herbs are controversial too...

How has acupuncture gained legitimacy being one of the most "alechemical" professions you can choose...  -the process codification, licensing, curriculum, requirements,  - practice guidelines, malpractice insurance... all of these designed to keep us honest. Busienss success - authentic self.

Intention... qualifications, professional organizations, agreed on scope of practice, inorporation of western elements

What is homeopathy?  Taking a substance well below avogardro's limit.. reducing it until it doesn't exist!

Like throwing an asprin in lake tahoe and then saving the water - when you get a headache take a sip of this water and voila - its gone! Believing this nonsense for all these years... James Randi Educational Foundation is no longer accepting applications for the Million Dollar Prize ;0)  Perhaps they're getting closer to provide homeopathy... could it be atomic quantities?


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