This Asymmetrical Life

I live in a dome.  It's not geodesic - it's made of laminate wood beams and plywood, shingles and sheet rock on a foundation of steel and concrete. The dome has 8 units. Its like an orange cut in half, cut in half again and then quartered. My apartment is a cocktail squeeze.  It's a mirror image of my neighbors place. I supposed when they designed it, it was perfectly symmetrical, but in reality, our apartments are quite different.  The angle of the walls varies from unit to unit, and our fireplaces are at oddly different distances from the door. In construction it's imperfect - asymmetrical.

We live in an infinite universe that is constantly changing.


CP Violation - The symmetry between matter and antimatter is imperfect.  Asymmetring being way more matter left than antimatter?  Ok so if every particle has its anti particle where did the anti particles go?

c= charge conjugation (matter into anti-matter)
p = parity transformation creates a mirror image (right handed screw into left handed screw)
combination of c and P - Spin up electron becomes a spin down positron (both direction and type changed)  If they were in symmetry, equal numbers would have anhillated leaving nothing.. But In 1984 they discovered the particles left behind.  Because of CP violation 1 particle in 100 was left over and produced the world as we know it today... but it's not enough to account for the observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter.


I love the connections between sacred geometry and physics as they are delivered by Nassim Haramein.  He presents a Unified Field Theory that is focused on our interconnectedness as infinite beings in an infinite field.  Some of his work is based on Buckminster Fuller's theories, and other work picks up where Einstein left off.  To Einstein's space-time curve, Nasim added a curl and a spin - like water going down the drain.  He finds evidence for these dynamics in nature.

The Star of David, The Flower of Life, the Pyramids... the symbols of ancient wisdom fit so elegantly into mathematical models.  If elegance is the evidence - it must certainly be true.   .. understanding patterns of creation help us understand the universal forces.  Nassim thinks the key is geometry, and the possibility of infinite division.  In his model, the universe is expanding and contracting at the same time. 

The image is of two doughnut like shapes with space in the middle, an infinite spiral dynamic where the stillness is in the center - the singularity point, which is a black hole.  This he calls torodial dynamics.  He suggests that every atom in the universe also functions on this spin dynamic. Consider each of our cells having as many tiny black holes in the middle as they have atoms!

He also refers to this as a resonance relationship.

"Resonance, Geometry, Black Holes, and Unified Field Theory"

Another bit describes the difference between men and women's thinking as an example of bounded and unbounded states.  In an unbounded/infinite (feminine) model, anything is possible.

Nasim presents Unified Field Theory on the premise that we're infinite beings in an infinite field.  The first time I heard Jamie Janover deliver the lecture on this theory, I did have a whole new sense of my place in the world.

I came accross a neat video from Jamie Janover, who introduced me to Nassim's theories at a festival a few years ago.

Jamie Janover star Tetrahedron -   -- Which turns into a yin/yang symbol.

The universal pattern - torus


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