Transhumanism and the Bionic Woman

When asked if I would support the development of a bionic person I am reminded of several movies in which the cyborg went rogue.  I am absolutely opposed to the development of a bionic human for military purposes, and have watched too much scifi to be comfortable with the its development otherwise.  AI always gets too smart and turn on humanity.  

On the flip side, I am inclined to support the development of bionic parts.  I like to follow news coming out of the Transhumanist movement, the goal of which is the enhance human intellect, physical and psychological capabilities through technology.  Transhumanists are enthusiastic supported of developments in personal modification.   

A list of top 10 transhumanist technologies includes cryogenics, gene therapy, virtual reality and cybernetics to name a few.  The cochlear implant and visual feedback devices that we read about are prime examples of the latter, as is the chip the vet placed in my cat. Although I've never had to use it, I'm thankful that he has a tracking device that I can call on if he ever gets lost.  

Imagine an implant that could provide all of an individuals medical history to emergency personnel. Or being able to upload a textbook into your brain... 

I find the questions of economic disparity the most disturbing.  It seems inevitable that new technologies would only be available to the people who can purchase them, and the canyon between the haves and have nots in our world would grow. This is already the case with cutting edge medical treatments and technology, but perhaps continued development could make some modifications more accessible, as illustrated by the story about the girl with the printed pink hand.     

It's a complex issue but I am still enthusiastic about the application of technology to the human condition.


Jtyson said…
I agree I think the development of a bionic person for military purposes is a bad idea. I think we have to find a balance with modern medicine. Some people tend to abuse modern medicine. If we examine cosmetic surgery it can be beneficial for people who have health problem. Some people sincerely need a rhinoplasty and other people undergo this procedure because they are unhappy with the way they look.

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