Is this loafing? (June 30th)

Week 1: Is this loafing?

Habit: an hour off after work/school - first thing when I get home each evening.  I take and hour give or take... it's busy time though. Put away the stuff, find a remote control, pet the cat, make a cup of tea... they're things I don't think about much

Monday (June 25): Play with the cat. I think i'm more interested in the rainbow ribbon than he is. Homework and tv... is this loafing?  Upon asking the question i put my feet flat on the carpet, take a deep breath and straighten up seated... in a minute I'm bored.

Tuesday (June 26): Orthopedics midterm. Finished early and went to Agave for happy dinner. Ceviche was great. I often dine alone, people watch, read the phone... lost in thought.  Is this loafing?   Tuesday evening outside with the cat, massage session with the neighbor and some new vampire of an acquaintance drained all my energy and time over-talking on the phone. Is listening loafing?  That was such a drain.  I need to set a clear boundary with that one. No more phone calls.

Wednesday (June 27): Clinic and class, work in between. Evening ritual tv marathon: Westworld, Nashville and The Handmaids Tale, the The Bold Type to reset my brain to comedy mode before bed. Took the cat outside, all the way to the empty parking space. Set up a camp chair and looked at the moon. Went inside when the car came home, and went to bed early.  Best choice I made all week.

Thursday (June 28): all day in the office, worked late, got home just in time for a awkward and exhausting conference call. Heartache. Took the cat out on his leash. Repotted the succulents and sat on the stool looking at the moon.  This feels like loafing.

Friday (June 29): All day in the office, worked late again. Home for an hour then off to the birthday party. Met a former neighbor and then that sexy sailor...  staying out late is joyful, but definitely not loafing.

Saturday (June 30): 11am - Wake up tired in a tiny cabin to sounds of the marina; climb up and meditate on the deck. This is the life! Are we loading yet?

Sunday night ritual - put away the homework and take the cat outside. I vow to do nothing, just sit in the hammock and breathe. 20 minutes later I realize I’m already pulling weeds. Doing nothing is hard.


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